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2. 1. 2002

Soupis odborných publikací

  1. Horský - Zatloukal,O.(1963): Pùsobení přírody a člověka na vývoj zemského povrchu. Lidé a země,č.1,1963,s.36.
  2. Příhodová,A.-Horský,O.(1963): Zpráva o geologickém mapování mezi Penčicemi,Lazníky a Sobíšky. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1963,s.154,Praha.
  3. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro vodní nádrž na řece Lomné v Dolní Lomné. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965, s.310–311,Praha.
  4. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum přehradního profilu na řece Hluchové v Nýdku u Bystřice nad Olší. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965,s.318–319, Praha.
  5. Horský,O.(1965): Zpráva o inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu na řece Rožnovské Bečvě u Rožnova pod Radhoštěm. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1965, s.316 – 317,Praha.
  6. Horský,O.(1965): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu na Čižině u Brumovic. Geologický průzkum,č.12,1965,s.368 – 371,Praha.
  7. Horský,O.(1966): Zpráva o inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro vodní dílo na Zelenském potoce u Štítné nad Vláří. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1966,s.372–373,Praha.
  8. Horský,O.(1966): Výstavba vodních děl na Kypru. Inženýrské stavby,č.1,1968,s.330–332.
  9. Horský,O.(1966): Havárie stoky v Ostravě-Zábřehu. Vodní hospodářství,č.4,1967,s.162–163.Praha.
  10. Horský,O.(1967): La Ingeniería Geológica en Checoslovaquia. Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas, Vol.XXI,1967,s.1–10,Barcelona.
  11. Horský,O.-Richter,V.(1967): Inženýrskogeologický a hydrogeologický průzkum pro rekreační oblast Satina-Malenovice. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1967, s.320, Praha.
  12. Horský.O.(1967): Příčné řezy lávovým proudem Velkého Roudného. In.: Sborník: „Vulkanologické symposium“,s.18–21,Praha.
  13. Horský,O.(1967): Geologické poměry v přehradním místě Slezská Harta v Nízkém Jeseníku. Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 1967,s.316–317,Praha.
  14. Horký,O.(1968) : Vodní dílo Boadella v severovýchodních Pyrenejích ve Španělsku. Geologický průzkum,č.4.,1968, s.163–164.
  15. Horský, O. (1968): Inženýrsko-geologický průzkum pro přehradu na řece Hluchové v Nýdku u Bystřice nad Olší. Manuscript, Geotest Brno, 10 stran + přílohy.
  16. Horský,O.(1968) : Metodika polních smykových zkoušek ve Španělsku. Inženýrské stavby, č.12.,s.551–552.,Praha 1968.
  17. Horský,O.(1968) : Vodní díla Sau, Susqueda a Pasteral na řece Ter ve Španělsku. Inženýrské stavby, č.2., s.90–94., Praha 1969.
  18. Horský, 0.(1968) : Průsaky z přehrady Foix ve Španělsku. Vodní hospodářství, č.7., s.201–203., Praha 1969.
  19. Horský,0.(1968) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro návrh sanace břehů Oravské přehrady. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.1., s.36–40.,Brno 1969.
  20. Horský,0.(1969) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu na řece Moravici ve Slezské Hartě. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.1., s. 25–27.,Brno 1969.
  21. Horský,0.)1969) : Výstavba přehrad ve Španělsku. Lidé a země, č.3., s. 137–138., ČSAV Praha, 1969.
  22. Horský,O. (1969) : Příčiny morfologických změn na březích Oravské nádrže, s. 1–35 + obrazové přílohy. MS Geotest Brno, 1969.
  23. Horský,O. ( 1969) : The Causes of Morphological Changes at the Water Edges of Orava – reservoir. Stran 7 + obrazové přílohy a fotografie. MS Geotest Brno
  24. Horský, O. (1969): Cambios morfológicos en las orillas de la presa Orava. MS Geotest Brno, 1969.
  25. Horský,0.(1970) : Metodické poznámky k inženýrskogeologickému průzkumu pro klenbovou hráz na řece Jihlavě u Dalešic. Ročenka geologické sekce, č.2., s.44-59.,Brno 1970.
  26. Horský,O.(1970) : Metodické poznámky ke komplexní dokumentaci štol. Ročenka geologické sekce , č.3., s. 53-61, Brno 1970.
  27. Horský,O. ( 1970) : Oravská přehrada a deformace břehů nádrže. Lidé a země, 1970.
  28. Horský,0.(1971) : Použití letecké fotogrammetrie pro sledování břehových změn v zátopových oblastech přehrad. Geologický průzkum, č. 10.,s. 300-302, Praha 1971.
  29. Horský,O. - Neubauer,M. (1972) : Inženýrsko-geologické a hydrogeologické průzkumy realizované Geotestem Brno. In Sborník Vodní hospodářství v povodí Odry, s.299 – 304., Ostrava 1972.
  30. Horský,0.(1972) : Vliv Oravské vodní nádrže na proces břehových změn. In Sborník I, Přehradní dny 1972., s. 121 – 130., Banská Bystrica 1972.
  31. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. – Müller,K.(1972) : Zkušenosti z inženýrskogeologického průzkumu pro klenbovou hráz v Dalešicích. In Sborník ze symposia o výstavbě klenbových přehrad, ČS VTS., s. 154 – 177., Praha 1972.
  32. Horský,O. – Müller,K. – Trávníček,L.(1972) : Průzkum porušení čedičového příkrovu v přehradním místě Slezská Harta geologicko geofyzikálními metodami. In Sborník geologických věd, řada HIG.,sv. 10.,s.39 – 58., Praha 1972.
  33. Horský,0. – Müller,K. (1972) : Sesuvy na březích Oravské přehrady. In Sborník geologfických věd, řada HIG.,sv. 10.,s. 59 – 71.,Praha 1972.
  34. Müller,K. – Horský,O. a kol. (1972) : Zkušenosti z použití geofyzikálních metod při inženýrskogeolgickém průzkumu přehradních míst. In Sborník “Využití geofyziky v inženýrské geologii a hydrogeologii”, s. 169 – 180., Brno 1972.
  35. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. (1973) : Problematika zakládání v horských oblastech Beskyd. In Sborník “Zkušenosti se zakládáním staveb na Ostravsku”, s. 31 – 41.,ČS VTS ,Ostrava 1973.
  36. Horský,O. – Müller,K. (1973) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro PVE Dalešice. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973” s.148 – 165.,Ostrava 1973.
  37. Horský,0. – Woznica,L. (1973) : Problematika prognózy břehových změn v režimu kolísání hladiny údolních nádrží PVE. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973”., s. 140 – 147.,Ostrava 1973.
  38. Müller,K. – Horský,O. a kol. (1973) : Komplexní dokumentace průzkumných děl. In Sborník “Přehradní dny 1973”, s. 100- 111.,Ostrava 1973.
  39. Horský,0. – Müller,K. (1973) : Inženýrskogeologické poměry přehradního místa Dalešice na řece Jihlavě. In “Sborník geologických věd”, řada HIG., sv.11.,s.125 – 160., Praha 1974.
  40. Horský,O. – Janda,M. (1973) : Údolní nádrž na Moravici u Slezské Harty. In „Vodní hospodářství“, s.239-243, Praha 9/1973.
  41. Novosad,St. – Horský,O. (1973) : Inženýrsko geologické podmínky výstavby přehrad na Ostravsku. In „Vodní hospodářství“.,s.219-224, Praha 9/1979.
  42. Šamalíková,M. (1973) : Cvičení z geologie. Horský,O: Část obrazové přílohy skript pro výuku geologie. VUT Brno, 1973.
  43. Horský,O. – Müller,K. – Trávníček,L. (1974) : Complex documentation of exploratory workings. In “Sborník mezinárodního inženýrskogeologického kongresu”, Vol.VII, s. 8.1 – 8.8., Sao Paulo , Brazílie, 1974.
  44. Horský,0.(1974) : 15 let Ostravského pracoviště inženýrské geologie. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č.11.,s.7., 1974.
  45. Horský,0. (1974) : Současný stav inženýrské geologie a uplatnění absolventů v inženýrskogeologické praxi. In Sborník “20 let hornické geologie na VŠB v Ostravě”, s.64 –65. Ostrava 1974.
  46. Horský,O. (1974) : Metodika a aplikace moderních metod při inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu v Dalešicích. Kandidátská práce, Geotest Brno - VŠB Ostrava 1974, s. 120 + fotografická příloha.
  47. Horský,0.(1974) : Sanace sesuvů na Oravské přehradě. Geologický průzkum, č.2.,s. 43 – 45, Praha 1975.
  48. Horský,O. – Drozd,K. (1975) : Metodos de las Investigaciones Geotécnicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. In Sborník “3ra Reunión del Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería mecánica y eléctrica y ramas afines” , Vol.II., s.10.1 – 10.4., Peru – Arequipa, 1975.
  49. Horský,O.(1976) : Geologické poznatky z výstavby přehrad ve Španělsku. Geologický průzkum, č.6., s.183 – 185., Praha 1976.
  50. Horský,0.(1976) : Peru a zemětřesení. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č. 7 ., s.22 – 23., Brno, 1976.
  51. Horský,0.(1976) : Peru a zemětřesení – pokračování. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č. 8 , s. 7 – 8, 1976.
  52. Horský, O.(1977): Geotest and Landslides. Editor of Special publication of year-book of the geological-geodetical service on the ocasion of the International Association of Engineering Geology Symposium, LANDSLIDES AND OTHER MASS MOVEMENTS, in Prague-September 1977, Geotest Brno, 1977.
  53. Horský,O. – Müller,K. (1977) : Investigation and Landslide Stabilization on the Orava Reservoir shores. Sborník “ Geotest and Landslides”, s. 35 – 50, CSSR, Brno 1977. Účelová publikace pro mezinárodní kongres IAEG v Praze o sesuvech. Geotest Brno 1977. Redaktor publikace: Otto Horský.
  54. Horský,O.(1977) : Rozvoj hornictví v Peru. Geologický průzkum, č.9.,s. 284 – 285., Praha 1977.
  55. Horský,O.(1977) : Výsledky a cíle peruánského ropného průmyslu. Geologický průzkum, č. 12, s. 376 – 377., Praha 1977.
  56. Horský,O. – Múller,K. (1977) : Rock Environment – Determining factor for projecting the Hydrotecnic Construction works. In Sborník “ III.mezinárodní kongres IAEG “, Sec III., Vol. I., s. 143 – 151., Madrid 1978.
  57. Horský,0. – Neubauer,M. – Novosad,St. (1978) : Rozvoj a úkoly inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v n.p. Geotest Brno. Geologický průzkum, č.7.,s. 194 – 196., Praha 1978.
  58. Horský,O. – Novosad,St. (1978) : Spolupráce v oblasti aplikované geologie mezi ČSSR a Peru. Geologický průzkum, č.7., s. 220 – 221, Praha 1978.
  59. Woznica,L. – Horský,O. ( 1978) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro údolní vodní nádrže. Mimořádné vydání Zpravodaje Geotestu Brno při příležitosti 20 výročí inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v Brně, s. 11 – 18, Brno 1978. Redaktor mimořádného vydání Zpravodaje Otto Horský. 
  60. Horský,O. (1978) : Metodika a aplikace moderních průzkumných metod při inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu pro přehradu v Dalešicích. Autoreferát k získání vědecké hodnosti kandidáta věd., s. 1 – 25, Vydalo VŠB Ostrava, 1978.
  61. Horský,O. – Zamarský,V. (1978) : Peru a zemětřesení. Časopis Lidé a země, 1978, č.3., s.122 – 125., ČSAV Praha, 1978.
  62. Horský,O. (1978) : Již 20 let inženýrské geologie a hydrogeologie v Brně. Zpravodaj Geotestu., č.1-2.,s. 22-23.,Brno 1978.
  63. Horský,O. (1978) : Mezinárodní spolupráce s NDR v oblasti výzkumu svahových pohybů. Zpravodaj Geotestu, č.5-6.,s. 18-19.,Brno 1978.
  64. Horský,0.-Morua,O. (1979) : Norma para el levantamiento Ingeniero-Geológico. Vydal MICONS, Habana, 1979.
  65. Horský,O. (1980) : Colaboración entre Cuba y Checoslovaquia en la Construcción”. In : Časopis “ Checoslovaquia”, č. 1.,s.9-11., Habana, Cuba, 1980.
  66. Horský,O. (1980) : Kontaminace oceánů a země. Zpravodaj Geotestu 6-8., s. 26 – 27., Brno 1980.
  67. Horský,O. (1980) : Clasificación de los movimientos de las laderas. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1980, s. 1-12.
  68. Horský,0. (1981) : Technická pomoc a vědecko-technická spolupráce mezi Kubou a Československem v oblasti stavebnictví. Inženýrské stavby., č.5.,s. 219-220.,Praha 1981.
  69. Horský,O. – Morua,O. (1981) : Metodología del levantamiento y confección de los mapas ingeniero-geológicas. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981.,s. 1 – 32.
  70. Horský,O. (1981) : Clasificación de las rocas a base del Índice de Calidad de la Roca – RQD. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s. 1-16.
  71. Horský,O. (1981) : El maciso rocoso, factor decisivo para elegir el lugar de la construcción de la Obra Hidráulica. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1 – 21.
  72. Horský,O. ( 1981) : Bases del levantamiento para confeccionar un mapa Ingeniero-Geológico. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1-26.
  73. Horský,O. (1981) : Documentación completa Ingeniero-Geológica y Geotécnica de los laboreos de explotación. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s.1-7.
  74. Horský,O.-Cesar,C. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para la construcción de Túneles y Metropolitanos. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981.,s.1-29.
  75. Horský,O.-Fernandez,O. (1981) : Anteproyecto de norma “Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas – símbolos gráficos”. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981, s.1-46.
  76. Horský,O.- Morua,O. (1981) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro hydroenergetické dílo na řece Agabamě v pohoří Escambray. Manustript, 8 stran + obrazové přílohy, Habana, 1981.
  77. Horský,O. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. I. Parte. Vydal MICONS, La Habana 1981., s,1-52. Počet výtisků : 200.
  78. Horský,O. (1981) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. II.Parte, Geotécnia. Vydal MICONS, Habana 1981., s,1-40. Počet výtisků : 200.
  79. Horský,O. (1981) : Indice de calidad de la roca R.Q.D – uno de los parámetros básicos para clasificación de las rocas. In “IX.Jornada Científica”.,s.189-192, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, Habana 1982.
  80. Horský,O.-Conde,M.(1981) : Las Investigaciones Geofísicas en el estudio Ingeniero-Geológico de Obras Hidrotécnicas. In “Voluntad Hidráulica”, XX., NO 61., pg.14-18., Habana 1983.
  81. Horský,O. (1982) : Bases metodológicas para el desarrollo de las Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. In “Voluntad Hidráulica”, XX. N0 62, pg.57 –63.,Habana 1983.
  82. Horský,O. (1982) : Clasificación de las rocas sobre la base del “Indice de Calidad de la Roca – RQD. In “Voluntad Hidraulica”,N0 74, pg. 51-56.,Habana 1987.
  83. Horský,O. (1982) : Bases metodológicas para el levantamiento Ingeniero-Geológico. Manuscrito para la Revista : “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana.
  84. Horský,O. (1983) : Rozvoj spolupráce mezi Geotestem a Kubou. In Zpravodaj Geotestu, 1982.,č. 3-4., s.29-31.
  85. Horský, O. (1983): Bude mít Ostravsko dostatek pitné a užitkové vody? MS Geotest Brno, 8 stran, 1983.
  86. Horský,O. (1983) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Presas Vydal Geotest Brno jako účelovou publikaci. Stran 223.
  87. Horský,O.-Simeonova,G.-Spanilá,T. (1983) : Vliv exogenních procesů na přetváření břehů vodních nádrží. Geologický průzkum, č.6., s. 163-166, Praha 1984.
  88. Horský,O. (1983) : 30 let Oravské vodní nádrže a její vliv na deformace břehů. Inženýrské stavby, č.10., s.489-498.,Bratislava 1984.
  89. Horský,O. (1983) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehradu Corojo ve vápencovém krasu na Kubě. Ročenka Geotestu 1981- 1983., s.21-32.,Brno 1984.
  90. Horský,O. (1983) : Spolupráce v oblasti inženýrské geologie mezi Kubou a Československem. Geologický průzkum., č.1., s.12-13., Praha 1984.
  91. Horský,O. (1984) : Využití RQD pro inženýrsko-geologické hodnocení horninového prostředí. In “Zborník Inžiniersko-geologické sympózium” při příležitosti 60 let Prof.Milana Matuly , s. 222-234.,1984 Bratislava.
  92. Horský,O. (1984) : El macizo rocoso, factor decisivo para elegir el lugar de la construcción de la Obra Hidrotécnica. Manuscrito para la “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana 1984.
  93. Horský,O. (1984) : Movimientos de las laderas en las áreas del estudio de Obras Hidrotécnicas. Manuscrito para la “Voluntad Hidráulica”, Habana 1984.
  94. Horský,O. (1984) : Investigaciones Ingeniero Geológicas para las Presas. Büro Geológico Checo, 1984, pg. 1 – 228., Praha. Knihu vydal Český geologický úřad jako dar kubánskému Ministerstvu stavebnictví v nákladu 50 výtisků.
  95. Horský,O. (1984) : Aplication of airborne in investigation of changes in the banks of reservoir in Dam Areas. XXVII mezinárodní geologický kongres, Moskva. Vol.VIII, sec. 17.,pg.56, Moskow 1984.
  96. Horský,O.-Bláha,P. (1984) : Investigation of the disturbance of the basalt sheet at damsite Slezská Harta using geological of geophysical method. XXVII mezinárodní geologický kongres, Moskva. Vol.VIII, sec. 17., pg.57, Moskow 1984.
  97. Horský,O.-Pacareo,L. (1985) : Metodos de las Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Hidroacumuladoras. Conferencia publicada en MICONS, 1985, Kuba.
  98. Horský,O. (1989) : Metodika inženýrskogeologického průzkumu pro přečerpávací vodní elektrárnu Centro Cuba. Ročenka geologické sekce 1990, s.75-86, Brno 1990.
  99. Horský,O. (1990) : Stanovení korelačních vztahů mezi dynamickými moduly pružnosti a deformačními moduly v základech horní hráze přečerpávací elektrárny Centro Cuba. In : Sborník “ Geotechnické problémy energetickej výstavby”, ČS VTS Vysoké Tatry, 1990, s. 41-44.
  100. Horský,O. ( 1990) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přečerpávací elektrárnu Centro Cuba v pohoří Escambray. Geologický průzkum,č.8, s.239- 243., Praha 1991.
  101. Horský,O. (1990) : The Causes of Morphological Changes at the Water Edges of Orava - Reservoir in Slovaquia.In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG,s.28592868, Amsterodam 1990.Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam 1990.
  102. Horský,O. (1990) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady. Geofond Praha – Edice GEODA. Stran 1 – 119, Praha 1990.
  103. Horský,O. (1990) : Diskuse ke stanovení rozsahu inženýrsko geologického průzkumu pro přehrady. In Sborník mezinárodního symposia “Metodické inovace v inženýrské geologii”,počet stran 8, Příbram 1990.
  104. Horský,O. (1991) : Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přečerpávací elektrárnu Centro-Cuba v pohoří Escambray. In Geologický průzkum, 8/1991, s.239-243, + obrazová příloha. Praha, 1991.
  105. Horský,O. (1991) : Česko-španělský a španělsko-český geotechnický slovník. Vydal DPB Paskov, 1991, s. 1-61.
  106. Horský,O. (1992) : Investigation and landslide stabilization on the Orava – Reservoir shores in Slovaquia. International Conference on Environmental Management Geo-Water and Engineering Aspects. Počet stran 6, Wolongong, Australia 1993.
  107. Horský,O. (1993) : Jet Grouting – tecnología progresiva de cimentacion de las construcciones. Manuscript pro přednášku na Universitě v Barceloně, 1993. ( 7 stran + 7 obrázků)
  108. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1993) : Geofyzikální metody při orientačním inženýrskogeologickém průzkumu přehradních míst. Manuscript GEOtest Brno a GEOINZA Madrid., 1993.
  109. Horský,O. (1993) : Komplexní pojetí studia horninového masivu v přehradním místě. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid, 1993. ( 7 str.+ obrazové přílohy).
  110. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : El uso de métodos geofísicos para el estudio del eje de la presa en la etapa orientativa. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid a GEOtest Brno., 1994.
  111. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : Métodos de prospección geofísica para el estudio de las posibles cerradas en el anteproyecto o viabilidad de un embalse. Manuscript GEOINZA Madrid a GEOtest Brno., 1994.
  112. Horský, 0. (1994): Geotechnical research for the pumping storage station. In Sborník :Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, s. 3919 – 3926., Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  113. Horský,O.-Lincer,L.- Nešvara,J. (1994) : Ecological repairs of the Orava Dam reservoir shore banks. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, s. 3729 – 3737, Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam,
  114. Bláha,P.- Horský,O. (1994) : Engineering geophysics for dam site selection. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, 69 – 78, Lisabon 1994. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  115. Verfel,J.- Horský,O. (1995) : Hloubení vrtů a technologie “Jet Grouting” na metru ve Valencii. Rukopis pro přednášku a publikaci na Universitě v Barceloně, s. 1 – 15,1995.
  116. Verfel,J.- Horský,O. (1995) : Hloubení vrtů na ulici Angel Guimerá ve Valencii. s. 1 - 12, Manuscript.
  117. Horský,0.-Spanilá,T. (1996) : Remodelling of water reservoir banks by exogenous processes. In Sborník : Mezinárodní kongres IAEG, 2771 – 2716, Athens, Greece 1997. Vydala Balkema, Rotterdam.
  118. Spanilá,T.-Horský,O.-Banach,M.(2001) : Slides and sliding in the water reservoirs banks. In Sborník Landslides, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2002, s. 315 – 319.
  119. Bláha,P.- Horský,O.-Vlastník,M.(2002): Métodos geofísicos empleados para las orientativas investigaciones ingenierogeológicas de los sítios de presa. Manuscrito para la Voluntad Hidráulica, Havana, Cuba.
  120. Horský,O. (2003) : Investigaciones Ingeniero-Geológicas para las Obras Hidrotécnicas. 290 stran textu a příloh, GEOtest Brno, 2003.ISBN 80-239-1679-3
  121. Bláha,P.-Müller,K.-Horský,O.(2009): Geofyzikální vlastnosti pro geotechnické výpočty. Sborník prací  Vysoké školy báňské - Technické University v Ostravě, číslo 2, 2009, ročník IX, řada stavební (+ přednáška PPT)
  122. Horský,O.-Bláha,P. (2009): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb "co nás také poučilo". Sborník Konference inženýrské geologie v Ostravě, 9.2009.(+ přednáška PPT).
  123. Horský, O.- Bláha, P. (2009): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb "Co nás také poučilo". GEOTECHNIKA 3/2009, str.35.
  124. Horský, O. - Bláha P., - Dyba, I.: Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady. Prezentace knihy. 2010.
  125. Bláha,P.-Černý,V.-Duras,R.-Fousek,J.-Horský,O.-Lazecký,M.-Oprchal,J.-Tábořík,P.-Peshawa,A,-Aziz,B.Q. (2010): Geoelectrical Surveys for the Feasibility Study of the Bawanur Dam Site. EGRSE, 2011.
  126. Bláha,P.-Černý,V.-Duras,R.-Fousek,J.-Horský,O. (2011): Geoelectrical Surveys for the Feasibility Study of the Bawanur Dam. Kongres HYDRO 2011, Praha.   
  127. Horský,O.- Bláha P.(2011): The Application of Engineering Geology to Dam Construction. Repronis 2011, str.320, ISBN 978-80-7329-278-2.  
  128. Horský, O.: Předmluva ke knize Jana Žižky "Za sedmi novodobými divy světa", Repronis 2011, ISBN 978-80-7329-268-3.
  129. Blaha,P., Duras.R., Fousek., J., Horsky, O.(2011): An Orientation  survey of the Bawanur Dam. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO2011, Praga, Session 7: Hydro Development in Asia. 
  130. Blaha,P., Černý,V., Fousek., J., Horsky., O.(2012): An engineering geological survey for the Bawanur Dam in Kurdistan. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO 2012, Thajsko, březen 2012.
  131. Horský, O.: Slovo úvodem ke knize Jana Žižky "Money Club a vybrané epizody z nedávné historie České spořitelny", Repronis 2012, ISBN 978-80-7329-328-4.
  132. Horský,O. (2012): Doslov. In: Milan Švihálek: Stavitel přehrad. Putování legendárního vodohospodáře Jana Čermáka 20. stoletím. Grada, 2013.
  133. Blaha,P., Horsky,O. (2013): Engineerring-Geological Survey of the Reservoir Areas of Dams. Mezinárodní konference HYDRO 2013. Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2013. 
  134. Horský, O. (2014): Přežije jezero Titicaca třetí tisíciletí? Vydavatel Nová Forma, 2014, exklusivní vydání na křídovém papíře v pevné vazbě , str. 196, formát B5. ISBN 978-80-7453-455-3.
  135. Horský,O - Bláha P. (2014): The Application of Engineering Geology to Dam Construction. Publisher Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovac Republic, 2014, pg. 321, ISBN 978-80-223-3596-6. Second edition of English version, revised and extendet. Printed in Czech Republic, Jan Sojnek.
  136. Horský, O.- Bláha, P. (2014): Inženýrskogeologický průzkum pro přehrady, aneb co nás také poučilo. Vydavatel VŠB - TÚ Ostrava, červen 2014. Druhé revidované a rozšířené  vydání. Vytištěno v České republice, Jan Sojnek. ISBN: 978-80-248-3437- 5.
  137. Horský, O. (2014): Přežije jezero Titicaca třetí tisíciletí? Vydavatel Jan Sojnek, reklamní produkce, 2014. Druhé rozšířené vydání. ISBN 978-80-905336-2-2
  138. Bláha,P. - Horský,O. (2016): Vodní dílo Itaipu. Geotechnika 3/2015, str. 20-28.
  139. Horský, O.(2016): Zajištění stability výkopu pro kanalizaci řeky Segura v městě Orihuela v jižním Španělsku.Zbornik 8. konferencie Inženierska geológia s medzinárodnou účasťou. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Geo-Engineering, str. 135-136. ISBN 978-80-227-4573-4. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislavě.
  140. Horský, O.(2016): Curriculum vitae - Monografie. Vydavatel Nová Forma, s.r.o., 2016. ISBN 978-80-7453-672-4
  141. Horský, O.(2017): Vita est a tortuosis iter- Život je klikatá cesta, aneb cestováním k naplnění osudu. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek, 2017. ISBN 978-80-906183-8-1.
  142. Verfel, J. - Horský, O. (2017): Hloubení vrtů na ulici Angel Guimerá ve Valencii ve Španělsku. in Horský Otto, Soubor odborných publikací, str. 622 - 632, GALIUM 2017. ISBN 978-80-906798-0-1.
  143. Horský,O.(2017): Soubor odborných publikací. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek GALIUM 2017. ISBN 978-80-906798-0-1
  144. Horsky,O.(2018): Dalešice. Inženýrsko-geologické podmínky výstavby přehrady Dalešice na řece Jihlavě. Kniha na DVD v ruském jazyce. Vydavatel Jan Sojnek GALIUM 2018. ISBN 978-80-906798-9-4.


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Showcasing Outstanding Jurisprudential Backing: The City of San Diego Criminal Defense Counsel

(Mariogon, 17. 12. 2023 2:56)

Enable Your Representation with a Commitment-Lacking Assessment

Within the domain of jurisprudential obstacles, obtaining that right defense is foremost. As it relates regarding safeguarding your rights throughout San Diego, this Criminal Defense Lawyer stands apart as one's steadfast ally. Decode the intricacies within this judicial system with the risk-absent assessment that could become your passport to equity.

Exploring Legal Terrains: Why Prefer Our Defense Advocacy Lawyer**
Commencing upon the legal odyssey requires expertise, and our seasoned team deals regarding defending one's rights with unwavering commitment. From minor violations up to multifaceted criminal allegations, these counsels convey the breadth of expertise to the discussion.

Understanding This Embodiment Entailed by a Obligation-Free Evaluation**

Participate in a assessment absent of monetary worries – a distinct offering which sets these legal solutions aside. During such risk-free session, these legal experts analyze one's matter, decipher potential strategies, plus furnish perspectives into those legal routes accessible for you. Your passage in the direction of the robust defense starts here, without the burden of early financial involvement.

why Select for These Defense Defense Services throughout San Diego**

Proven Record Documentation

These success stories reverberate within those passageways of equity. This legal team bears the proven track record of gaining positive results on behalf of our clients, converting complications toward triumphs.

Personalized Legal Tactics

Acknowledging thus not a single pair of cases become akin, our legal experts engineer personalized tactics. We plunge profoundly within the particulars entailed by your scenario, ensuring the representation strategy that corresponds fluidly with one's unique circumstances.

Transparent Dialogue

Legal intricacies can manifest as overwhelming. This legal team prioritize clear discourse, retaining you apprised at each phase. Our allegiance regarding lucidity ensures one comprehend the subtleties of one's proceeding.

your Champion, One's Reinforcement: A Message from Our Jurisprudential Squad**

Your advocacy energizes our allegiance for supplying exceptional legal support. As these attorneys champion one's entitlements, your involvement empowers this firm for reach out with this legal support toward more people in urgency. In unity, all involved parties build a community where equity prevails.

Seize Your Entitlement for the Powerful Advocacy**

In the context presented by legal obstacles, strengthen one's position having that right defense. Our City of San Diego Defense Defense Lawyer stands ready, prepared to traverse the legal domains for one's interest. Schedule your obligation-lacking assessment today plus adopt the initial step towards securing the justice one merit.

Unveiling Outstanding Judicial Backing: The Diego Defense Defense Attorney

(Mariogon, 17. 12. 2023 1:49)

Enable Your Advocacy via a Risk-Free Evaluation

In this realm of jurisprudential complications, securing the appropriate defense becomes paramount. When this comes regarding safeguarding your privileges throughout San Diego, this Defense Defense Lawyer stands apart constituting one's unwavering partner. Unravel the intricacies of the legal apparatus with the risk-lacking consultation which can become your passport toward justice.

Traversing Jurisprudential Terrains: For What Reason Select This Criminal Advocacy Counsel**
Embarking upon a jurisprudential odyssey requires expertise, plus this skilled team deals in safeguarding one's privileges with unwavering commitment. Through misdemeanors up to multifaceted defense charges, these counsels convey a wealth in expertise to the proceeding.

Internalizing the Embodiment of the Risk-Lacking Consultation**

Participate within the consultation absent regarding fiscal apprehensions – a uncommon offering which sets our judicial services aside. During such risk-lacking gathering, we analyze one's matter, decipher potential approaches, plus furnish insights into those judicial trajectories accessible for you. One's voyage in the direction of a powerful advocacy starts in this manner, absent that weight from preliminary economic commitment.

why Select Regarding Our Defense Advocacy Offerings in San Diego**

Demonstrated History Record

These triumph stories reverberate within those passageways of fairness. We bears the proven track record of securing favorable outcomes for these clients, turning complications into successes.

Customized Jurisprudential Approaches

Acknowledging that not a single pair of matters are alike, these legal authorities craft personalized approaches. These attorneys delve deep into the specifics of one's scenario, securing the defense approach that corresponds seamlessly with one's distinct contexts.

Lucid Discourse

Judicial complexities could manifest as overwhelming. We showcase lucid communication, retaining the client informed during every stage. Our devotion to lucidity ensures one understand the nuances of one's matter.

One's Champion, Your Bolstering: The Message by This Jurisprudential Squad**

Your backing powers our allegiance to providing superlative judicial assistance. As we champion your entitlements, one's contribution allows us to provide our support to others with need. Collectively, all involved parties craft a environment that equity flourishes.

Capture Your Right to a Robust Counsel**

In this context of legal challenges, empower yourself with the appropriate representation. This City of San Diego Criminal Advocacy Attorney awaits, prepared for traverse the jurisprudential landscapes for your behalf. Book your risk-free consultation today plus adopt the initial step in the direction of acquiring that justice you warrant.

Unveiling Mastery: Clark McCourt - Your Ideal-To Defense Lawyers in The City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 17. 12. 2023 1:04)

Searching for Fairness, Protecting Liberty: Clarke McCourt's Jurisprudential Expertise

Within the domain of judicial mastery, Clarke MacCourt stands tall as the epitome of excellence, especially throughout that energetic municipality of The Vegas. As Defense Lawyers virtuosos, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by this team explore the intricate maze within this jurisprudential system featuring nuance, guaranteeing these customers obtain top-notch defense.

A Spotlight of Judicial Acumen
Demystifying the Jurisprudential Web

Clark McCourt, with decades of seasoned experience, assumes honor in elucidating the complexities of defense jurisprudence. His devotion toward fairness remains unwavering, establishing him a torch for the ones entangled within legal dilemmas. Clarke MacCourt's proficiency spans a multitude entailing defense cases, through minor violations up to -stakes felonies.

This Path to Success: Jurisprudential Tactics that Function

Custom Methodologies Strategies regarding Every Proceeding

One process can n't fit everyone in this legal arena, plus Clark MacCourt understands such nuance inherently. These legal approaches manifest as as diverse like those matters Clarke MacCourt directs. From diligent examinations up to calculated trial presentations, Clarke MacCourt neglects not a dimension unexamined in composing the defense that connects with judges and panels equally.

Patron-Centric Backing

Farther than Jurisprudential Representation: A Helpful Collaborator

Internalizing the emotional strain judicial battles could demand, Clarke McCourt goes farther than the role of the traditional lawyer. This crew provides n't only legal competence but additionally the reinforcement system for customers facing trying times. Such is the amalgamation entailing judicial competence plus understanding that distinguishes McCourt's office apart.

Integrated Navigation through Legal Hurdles

Your Partner for This Legal Odyssey

Navigating the judicial realm can be daunting, but with Clarke MacCourt accompanying your flank, you're n't alone. His practice's mastery extends across diverse judicial aspects, providing the exhaustive process for resolving obstacles. If you're confronting defense charges, demand legal counsel, alternatively pursuing advocacy within hearing, Clarke MacCourt's crew is your reliable ally.

Advocate for Clarke MacCourt's Legal Endeavor

Join This Mission

Would you care for back Clark MacCourt's mission toward offering superlative legal advocacy? Your contribution may aid uphold equity and ensure that everyone possess means to a equitable defense. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to show one's backing.

In conclusion, Clark McCourt and his crew of Defense Attorneys in Las Vegas exist on that vanguard for jurisprudential excellence. With a devotion for custom tactics, patron-oriented support, plus steadfast support, they exist as one's go-to partners in exploring the nuances of the legal apparatus.

Unveiling Distinction: Clarke MacCourt - One's Ideal-To Criminal Advocates in Las City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 23:54)

Pursuing Equity, Securing Liberty: Clarke McCourt's Legal Expertise

Within this domain for legal mastery, Clark McCourt shines confidently constituting the embodiment denoting supremacy, notably throughout the vibrant municipality known as The City of Las Vegas. Functioning as Criminal Counsels extraordinaire, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by his crew navigate that multifaceted maze of the judicial framework having nuance, ensuring these customers obtain premium-notch defense.

The Torch for Legal Discernment
Decoding This Jurisprudential Labyrinth

Clarke McCourt, having eons in seasoned competency, assumes joy regarding elucidating the intricacies of criminal law. His commitment to fairness remains steadfast, establishing him the torch toward the ones entangled within jurisprudential dilemmas. Clarke MacCourt's proficiency spans the multitude of criminal matters, through small infractions to highstakes capital offenses.

This Road toward Victory: Jurisprudential Approaches which Work

Personalized Approaches for Every Proceeding

A single approach does not apply to all in the legal realm, plus Clark McCourt understands this intrinsically. These legal strategies manifest as as varied like those matters Clarke MacCourt directs. From diligent inquiries to strategic hearing arguments, McCourt leaves no stone unexamined when composing the advocacy which resonates to magistrates plus panels alike.

Client-Focused Backing

Farther than Judicial Advocacy: The Helpful Partner

Appreciating the emotional toll legal battles may exact, Clark McCourt ventures farther than the role of a mainstream lawyer. His crew offers not only judicial competence rather also a support apparatus assisting clients battling trying intervals. It's the fusion entailing jurisprudential competence and empathy that distinguishes Clarke MacCourt's practice aside.

Integrated Passage of Jurisprudential Hurdles

One's Collaborator in This Jurisprudential Odyssey

Exploring the jurisprudential landscape can manifest as intimidating, but with Clark McCourt accompanying your flank, one becomes n't solitary. His firm's mastery stretches to assorted legal considerations, offering a exhaustive process for addressing obstacles. Whether you're facing defense allegations, need jurisprudential guidance, or requesting advocacy within trial, Clarke MacCourt's crew becomes one's reliable partner.

Support Clark MacCourt's Jurisprudential Mission

Join the Cause

Would one care for back Clarke MacCourt's objective in offering superlative legal advocacy? Your contribution may assist uphold equity plus verify that all people has means toward the equitable representation. Click <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) for express your backing.

For a final analysis, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by his squad of Criminal Lawyers in Las Vegas stand at the vanguard for legal excellence. With the devotion to bespoke strategies, customer-centric advocacy, plus unwavering bolstering, they exist as your go-to partners in exploring those intricacies of the judicial system.

Revealing Distinction: Clarke MacCourt - Your Go-To Criminal Advocates throughout Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 22:42)

Seeking Justice, Safeguarding Liberty: Clark McCourt's Jurisprudential Expertise

Within the domain of legal competence, Clark MacCourt shines proudly constituting that quintessence denoting distinction, particularly throughout that energetic municipality of The City of Las Vegas. Functioning as Defense Counsels extraordinaire, McCourt accompanied by his squad traverse the multifaceted web of this legal framework having skill, guaranteeing these clients receive top-notch defense.

The Torch for Judicial Astuteness
Decoding the Jurisprudential Maze

Clarke MacCourt, with eons of skilled experience, assumes honor in demystifying the intricacies within criminal jurisprudence. This attorney's commitment to fairness remains steadfast, establishing Clarke MacCourt the torch toward the ones entangled in jurisprudential quandaries. McCourt's proficiency covers the myriad of criminal proceedings, through misdemeanors up to highstakes major violations.

The Route toward Success: Jurisprudential Approaches which Function

Personalized Methodologies Strategies for Each Case

A single approach can not fit everyone within the legal arena, plus Clark McCourt understands such nuance intrinsically. His jurisprudential strategies manifest as as dynamic like those proceedings Clarke MacCourt manages. From careful examinations up to strategic trial rationales, McCourt leaves not a aspect unexamined when crafting the defense which aligns to magistrates and panels alike.

Client-Centric Advocacy

Farther than Legal Counsel: A Helpful Partner

Appreciating the psychological toll jurisprudential disputes may exact, Clarke McCourt ventures beyond the role for the traditional attorney. This squad offers not simply legal competence but additionally a reinforcement framework assisting customers confronting trying times. Such is the amalgamation entailing jurisprudential prowess and compassion which sets Clarke MacCourt's practice apart.

Seamless Navigation of Legal Challenges

One's Partner for This Legal Odyssey

Traversing the legal landscape could be daunting, yet having Clarke MacCourt accompanying your side, you're not solitary. His practice's expertise stretches to diverse legal aspects, offering the thorough strategy to addressing challenges. Whether one becomes facing defense charges, require legal guidance, alternatively seeking counsel within trial, McCourt's team is your reliable partner.

Advocate for Clark MacCourt's Judicial Endeavor

Advance This Cause

Would you care for back Clark McCourt's mission in providing superlative jurisprudential representation? Your contribution could help uphold justice plus guarantee thus all people retain recourse to the fair advocacy. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) for express your reinforcement.

In summation, Clark MacCourt accompanied by his crew of Defense Lawyers throughout The City of Las Vegas stand on the forefront for jurisprudential excellence. Featuring a commitment to personalized strategies, customer-oriented backing, and steadfast reinforcement, such legal experts are your go-to collaborators in exploring the nuances within this jurisprudential system.

Unveiling Mastery: Clark McCourt - One's Go-To Criminal Lawyers in Las City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 19:05)

Pursuing Justice, Safeguarding Liberty: Clarke MacCourt's Jurisprudential Prowess

In this domain for judicial competence, Clarke McCourt shines proudly as that embodiment of supremacy, especially throughout that energetic city known as Las City of Las Vegas. Functioning as Criminal Attorneys extraordinaire, McCourt accompanied by his squad navigate that multifaceted web within the legal apparatus with finesse, securing their patrons acquire premium-notch defense.

A Beacon for Judicial Discernment
Decoding This Judicial Maze

Clark MacCourt, having eons of veteran experience, bears pride regarding demystifying the nuances within defense law. This attorney's devotion to justice remains steadfast, rendering him the beacon toward those entangled in legal quandaries. Clarke MacCourt's competence encompasses the myriad entailing defense matters, from small infractions to -stakes capital offenses.

The Route toward Success: Legal Approaches which Operate

Personalized Approaches regarding Each Matter

A single approach does not apply to all within this jurisprudential domain, plus Clarke MacCourt grasps such nuance intrinsically. These jurisprudential strategies are as varied like those matters he handles. Through diligent investigations to deliberate trial arguments, McCourt omits no dimension unexamined when crafting a representation that resonates with magistrates and juries equally.

Client-Oriented Advocacy

Farther than Legal Advocacy: A Supportive Ally

Internalizing the psychological strain jurisprudential disputes may demand, Clarke McCourt goes farther than the role for a conventional attorney. His team provides not simply legal expertise rather additionally a reinforcement framework for clients facing demanding times. Such is this blend entailing legal competence plus compassion which sets Clarke MacCourt's office aside.

Smooth Passage of Legal Hurdles

One's Collaborator for This Judicial Odyssey

Navigating the jurisprudential arena can be daunting, but having Clarke MacCourt by one's side, one becomes not alone. This firm's competence stretches across diverse legal considerations, offering a exhaustive process for managing obstacles. Whether you're facing criminal charges, need judicial counsel, or requesting advocacy within trial, Clarke MacCourt's squad becomes your trustworthy ally.

Support Clarke MacCourt's Legal Crusade

Join This Cause

Would one care for advocate for Clark MacCourt's purpose toward furnishing superlative judicial counsel? Your assistance can aid safeguard justice and ensure thus everyone has means to the fair advocacy. Click <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to express one's support.

For a final analysis, Clarke McCourt and his team of Defense Advocates in Las Vegas exist at the vanguard of legal supremacy. Featuring the dedication for personalized approaches, client-centric advocacy, plus unwavering support, such legal experts are your ideal-to allies for navigating the nuances of the jurisprudential framework.

Revealing Distinction: Clarke MacCourt - Your Ideal-To Defense Lawyers throughout Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 16:44)

Pursuing Equity, Safeguarding Rights: Clarke MacCourt's Legal Expertise

Within this sphere of legal expertise, Clarke MacCourt towers confidently as that epitome of distinction, especially in that dynamic municipality of Las Vegas. Functioning as Criminal Counsels virtuosos, McCourt and his crew traverse that multifaceted maze within the legal system having nuance, guaranteeing these customers acquire top-notch advocacy.

A Beacon of Judicial Acumen
Decoding This Judicial Labyrinth

Clarke MacCourt, with years of skilled expertise, bears joy in demystifying those complexities within criminal law. This attorney's allegiance toward fairness is resolute, rendering him a beacon for the ones ensnared within jurisprudential quandaries. McCourt's proficiency covers a myriad of criminal proceedings, from minor violations up to highstakes capital offenses.

This Path toward Victory: Judicial Strategies which Work

Personalized Methodologies Strategies for Every Case

One approach can not apply to everyone in this legal realm, plus Clarke McCourt comprehends this implicitly. His judicial tactics are as varied as those cases Clarke MacCourt manages. From careful examinations to calculated trial arguments, McCourt omits no dimension unexplored in crafting the defense that connects with judges plus juries alike.

Patron-Centric Backing

Farther than Judicial Counsel: A Assisting Collaborator

Understanding that emotional toll legal disputes can take, Clark MacCourt goes outside of that capacity for a conventional attorney. His team delivers n't only judicial expertise rather additionally a support system for clients facing demanding periods. Such is the fusion of judicial mastery plus empathy which sets McCourt's practice aside.

Integrated Traversal of Judicial Challenges

Your Ally in the Judicial Odyssey

Exploring the jurisprudential arena could be discouraging, yet with Clarke McCourt accompanying your flank, you're not solitary. This firm's expertise extends to assorted legal aspects, offering a thorough process to resolving obstacles. Whether you're facing criminal accusations, demand judicial guidance, alternatively pursuing advocacy in court, McCourt's squad is your dependable partner.

Back Clark McCourt's Jurisprudential Mission

Support the Mission

Could you care to support Clark McCourt's mission toward furnishing exceptional judicial advocacy? Your assistance could assist safeguard fairness and guarantee that all people retain recourse to the fair advocacy. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) for express one's backing.

In final analysis, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by his squad constituting Defense Lawyers throughout The City of Las Vegas stand at that vanguard for legal excellence. Featuring the devotion to personalized strategies, patron-focused support, and steadfast bolstering, such legal experts are one's ideal-to partners in navigating those nuances of the judicial framework.

Unveiling Excellence: Clark MacCourt - One's Go-To Criminal Advocates throughout The Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 15:30)

Seeking Equity, Securing Rights: Clark McCourt's Legal Competence

In this domain of jurisprudential expertise, Clark McCourt shines confidently constituting that epitome of distinction, particularly in the vibrant municipality known as The Vegas. As Criminal Lawyers maestros, Clarke MacCourt and his squad navigate that complex maze within this jurisprudential system having skill, securing their customers acquire premium-notch defense.

A Beacon of Legal Acumen
Unraveling the Jurisprudential Web

Clarke MacCourt, boasting years of veteran competency, bears honor in demystifying those intricacies within defense law. His devotion to fairness remains unwavering, establishing Clarke MacCourt the torch for those ensnared within legal dilemmas. McCourt's capability spans the myriad entailing criminal proceedings, from small infractions up to substantialstakes major violations.

The Route toward Success: Legal Strategies which Function

Custom Approaches regarding Each Proceeding

A single process can not apply to all within this judicial domain, plus Clarke McCourt grasps such nuance intrinsically. These jurisprudential strategies manifest as as varied as those proceedings he handles. Through diligent investigations up to calculated hearing presentations, McCourt neglects no aspect unturned when crafting the advocacy that resonates to magistrates and panels alike.

Client-Oriented Support

Farther than Jurisprudential Representation: A Supportive Collaborator

Understanding that emotional strain judicial disputes may exact, Clark MacCourt goes farther than that purpose for the conventional lawyer. This crew offers n't only judicial expertise but also a support apparatus assisting customers facing challenging intervals. Such is the amalgamation of jurisprudential mastery and understanding that defines McCourt's firm aside.

Seamless Traversal of Legal Obstacles

One's Ally in the Legal Journey

Traversing this judicial arena could manifest as discouraging, yet with Clarke McCourt by your flank, you're n't alone. His firm's mastery reaches to diverse legal dimensions, presenting a thorough strategy to resolving obstacles. Whether one becomes facing defense charges, need judicial advice, alternatively pursuing advocacy in hearing, McCourt's team becomes one's reliable partner.

Back Clarke McCourt's Judicial Endeavor

Support the Purpose

Could one care for support Clark MacCourt's purpose toward providing exceptional legal advocacy? One's contribution could help protect justice and ensure thus everyone retain access toward a just defense. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to demonstrate one's reinforcement.

In conclusion, Clarke McCourt and his squad of Defense Lawyers throughout The City of Las Vegas stand at that vanguard for legal distinction. Featuring the commitment to personalized approaches, client-centric support, and resolute reinforcement, they exist as one's go-to allies in traversing those nuances within the jurisprudential system.

Unveiling Mastery: Clarke McCourt - Your Ideal-To Criminal Attorneys in The City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 14:19)

Pursuing Fairness, Protecting Freedom: Clark MacCourt's Jurisprudential Prowess

In this sphere of judicial competence, Clarke McCourt stands proudly constituting that epitome of supremacy, notably in that dynamic city known as Las Vegas. Functioning as Defense Lawyers extraordinaire, McCourt accompanied by this squad explore the intricate maze within the jurisprudential apparatus featuring nuance, guaranteeing these clients acquire premium-notch defense.

A Beacon for Jurisprudential Acumen
Unraveling This Judicial Labyrinth

Clarke McCourt, with eons of seasoned expertise, takes honor in elucidating the complexities of defense jurisprudence. This attorney's commitment to fairness remains unwavering, making Clarke MacCourt the spotlight toward those entangled within legal dilemmas. Clarke MacCourt's proficiency spans a spectrum entailing criminal matters, from minor violations to substantialstakes capital offenses.

The Route to Success: Legal Approaches that Function

Bespoke Approaches regarding Each Matter

One process does n't apply to everyone within this legal realm, plus Clark MacCourt understands this inherently. These judicial strategies manifest as equally diverse as those cases Clarke MacCourt manages. Through diligent inquiries to strategic courtroom presentations, McCourt omits not a stone unexamined in crafting the representation that aligns to magistrates plus juries alike.

Patron-Centric Advocacy

Farther than Jurisprudential Representation: The Assisting Collaborator

Internalizing that emotional toll jurisprudential battles may demand, Clarke MacCourt goes farther than the capacity for the conventional counsel. This crew provides n't only judicial competence rather also the reinforcement system assisting customers battling challenging intervals. It's this amalgamation of jurisprudential prowess plus compassion which sets Clarke MacCourt's practice apart.

Seamless Passage through Judicial Obstacles

One's Partner for This Judicial Venture

Traversing this jurisprudential realm can manifest as intimidating, yet with Clarke MacCourt by one's side, one becomes n't isolated. His practice's expertise reaches to diverse jurisprudential dimensions, providing the exhaustive strategy to resolving obstacles. If one becomes confronting criminal charges, need legal guidance, alternatively pursuing advocacy within court, McCourt's crew becomes one's trustworthy collaborator.

Support Clarke McCourt's Judicial Crusade

Join the Mission

Would one care for back Clark McCourt's objective toward providing superlative legal advocacy? One's participation can assist uphold equity and ensure thus all people retain recourse to a fair defense. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to express one's support.

In summation, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by this squad constituting Criminal Advocates throughout The City of Las Vegas exist at the forefront for jurisprudential excellence. With a commitment for custom approaches, client-focused advocacy, and resolute reinforcement, such legal experts exist as one's go-to allies for traversing those intricacies of this judicial apparatus.

Revealing Distinction: Clarke McCourt - Your Ideal-To Defense Attorneys in Las City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 13:12)

Pursuing Equity, Safeguarding Rights: Clark MacCourt's Judicial Competence

Within the domain for judicial mastery, Clark McCourt shines tall constituting the epitome of excellence, particularly throughout that vibrant municipality of The City of Las Vegas. Functioning as Criminal Lawyers maestros, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by his squad explore the complex web within this jurisprudential framework with skill, ensuring their patrons obtain top-notch defense.

A Torch for Legal Discernment
Unraveling the Judicial Maze

Clark McCourt, with eons of skilled experience, assumes joy in clarifying those nuances of criminal law. This attorney's commitment to justice is resolute, establishing him the spotlight toward those caught up within legal quandaries. McCourt's capability covers the myriad entailing defense proceedings, from small infractions up to highstakes major violations.

The Road toward Success: Legal Tactics which Work

Bespoke Methodologies Strategies for Every Proceeding

One approach does n't apply to everyone within this judicial realm, and Clark MacCourt comprehends this intrinsically. His legal approaches are equally varied as the proceedings Clarke MacCourt handles. From diligent inquiries to strategic trial arguments, Clarke MacCourt neglects no aspect unturned when composing a representation that resonates to arbiters and courts alike.

Patron-Centric Backing

Farther than Legal Advocacy: A Helpful Partner

Understanding the emotional burden judicial battles can exact, Clarke MacCourt goes farther than that role of the conventional counsel. This team offers n't just jurisprudential expertise but additionally a support system for clients confronting demanding periods. Such is the fusion entailing legal prowess and compassion that defines Clarke MacCourt's office apart.

Integrated Navigation of Jurisprudential Hurdles

Your Collaborator in the Legal Journey

Navigating the jurisprudential realm could manifest as daunting, but with Clark MacCourt accompanying one's flank, you're n't alone. His firm's mastery stretches to various jurisprudential considerations, presenting a comprehensive approach to resolving complications. Whether you're battling criminal allegations, require jurisprudential guidance, or pursuing advocacy within trial, McCourt's team becomes your reliable ally.

Support Clark McCourt's Jurisprudential Mission

Advance This Purpose

Could you care for back Clark MacCourt's mission in providing exceptional jurisprudential counsel? One's contribution could assist uphold justice plus guarantee that everyone retain recourse toward the equitable defense. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to demonstrate one's backing.

For a final analysis, Clarke McCourt accompanied by this team of Criminal Lawyers in Las Vegas stand on that vanguard of judicial supremacy. With a commitment for personalized strategies, client-centric advocacy, plus resolute support, such legal experts are your go-to partners for exploring those nuances within the jurisprudential system.

Revealing Excellence: Clarke McCourt - Your Go-To Defense Lawyers in Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 12:05)

Searching for Equity, Securing Rights: Clark McCourt's Jurisprudential Expertise

In this domain for jurisprudential mastery, Clark McCourt shines tall as that quintessence denoting distinction, notably throughout the energetic municipality of The City of Las Vegas. Functioning as Criminal Counsels virtuosos, Clarke MacCourt and this team explore that multifaceted maze of the legal system having nuance, securing these clients obtain top-notch defense.

A Torch for Jurisprudential Acumen
Demystifying the Judicial Labyrinth

Clark McCourt, boasting decades of seasoned experience, takes honor in clarifying the nuances of criminal jurisprudence. His commitment toward equity remains steadfast, rendering him the torch toward the ones ensnared in judicial dilemmas. McCourt's competence spans the spectrum entailing criminal cases, from minor violations to substantialstakes capital offenses.

This Path toward Victory: Judicial Approaches that Operate

Custom Methodologies Strategies for Each Matter

A single size can n't apply to all in the legal arena, plus Clark McCourt comprehends this inherently. These jurisprudential approaches manifest as as diverse as the cases he directs. From careful inquiries to deliberate trial presentations, Clarke MacCourt leaves no dimension unexplored in crafting a representation which resonates to judges plus panels equally.

Patron-Focused Support

Outside of Legal Counsel: The Helpful Partner

Understanding that emotional strain jurisprudential disputes could exact, Clarke MacCourt ventures beyond the role of a conventional counsel. This crew provides n't simply judicial acumen but additionally a support apparatus assisting patrons facing trying periods. It's this fusion of jurisprudential prowess and empathy which distinguishes McCourt's office aside.

Seamless Traversal through Legal Challenges

Your Collaborator for the Jurisprudential Journey

Traversing the judicial realm can manifest as discouraging, yet with Clark McCourt by your flank, one becomes n't isolated. This practice's competence stretches across assorted jurisprudential dimensions, offering the exhaustive strategy to resolving complications. Whether one becomes facing defense allegations, demand legal counsel, or seeking counsel within court, McCourt's squad is one's dependable ally.

Back Clark MacCourt's Legal Crusade

Advance the Cause

Could one like to advocate for Clarke McCourt's mission in providing exceptional legal advocacy? Your contribution may aid uphold equity and verify that everyone possess recourse toward the equitable representation. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) to show one's backing.

For a conclusion, Clarke MacCourt and this team of Criminal Attorneys throughout The City of Las Vegas stand on the forefront for legal excellence. With a dedication for custom strategies, client-focused backing, plus resolute reinforcement, they are one's go-to allies for navigating the complexities of this legal apparatus.

Unveiling Mastery: Clarke McCourt - Your Go-To Defense Lawyers throughout The City of Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 10:57)

Searching for Equity, Safeguarding Rights: Clark McCourt's Jurisprudential Prowess

In the realm of judicial mastery, Clarke McCourt stands tall constituting the embodiment denoting excellence, especially in that vibrant city of Las City of Las Vegas. As Criminal Lawyers extraordinaire, McCourt and his crew navigate the complex web within the legal apparatus having finesse, securing these patrons receive top-notch advocacy.

A Torch for Legal Discernment
Unraveling This Jurisprudential Web

Clark MacCourt, boasting decades of skilled competency, assumes joy in clarifying the intricacies within criminal law. This attorney's allegiance to fairness remains resolute, making Clarke MacCourt the beacon toward those ensnared in jurisprudential quandaries. Clarke MacCourt's competence spans the spectrum of defense proceedings, through misdemeanors up to -stakes capital offenses.

This Route to Triumph: Legal Approaches that Operate

Bespoke Approaches for Every Matter

A single size can n't fit everyone within this legal realm, and Clark McCourt understands such nuance intrinsically. His judicial approaches manifest as as varied as those matters Clarke MacCourt manages. From careful inquiries to calculated trial rationales, McCourt leaves no stone unexamined when composing the advocacy which resonates to arbiters plus courts equally.

Client-Oriented Backing

Outside of Jurisprudential Counsel: A Helpful Ally

Internalizing that psychological toll judicial battles can take, Clark MacCourt ventures farther than that role of a traditional attorney. This team delivers not just legal acumen rather also a reinforcement framework for customers battling demanding times. Such is this amalgamation entailing judicial mastery and understanding which defines Clarke MacCourt's practice aside.

Smooth Navigation through Judicial Challenges

One's Partner for the Legal Venture

Navigating this jurisprudential realm can be discouraging, yet with Clark MacCourt by one's flank, one becomes not solitary. This firm's mastery reaches across various jurisprudential considerations, presenting the comprehensive strategy for resolving challenges. If one becomes confronting defense allegations, need judicial counsel, or pursuing counsel within hearing, Clarke MacCourt's team becomes your reliable partner.

Support Clark MacCourt's Judicial Crusade

Support the Mission

Would one care to support Clark MacCourt's mission in furnishing outstanding legal advocacy? Your assistance may assist uphold equity and guarantee thus all people retain access to a just advocacy. Navigate <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) for express one's backing.

In conclusion, Clarke MacCourt accompanied by his team of Criminal Lawyers in The City of Las Vegas stand on the front lines of legal excellence. Featuring a dedication to bespoke tactics, client-centric advocacy, and resolute reinforcement, such legal experts exist as your go-to partners for navigating those complexities of the jurisprudential system.

Unveiling Mastery: Clarke McCourt - One's Go-To Criminal Attorneys throughout Las Vegas

(DonaldDap, 16. 12. 2023 9:48)

Seeking Equity, Safeguarding Rights: Clark MacCourt's Jurisprudential Expertise

In this sphere of judicial mastery, Clarke McCourt shines tall as that quintessence denoting supremacy, notably throughout the energetic municipality known as Las City of Las Vegas. As Defense Attorneys extraordinaire, Clarke MacCourt and his squad navigate that multifaceted web within this jurisprudential apparatus with finesse, securing these customers acquire premium-notch defense.

A Torch of Legal Discernment
Unraveling the Legal Maze

Clark MacCourt, having years in skilled competency, takes joy regarding demystifying those nuances within defense law. His commitment toward equity is steadfast, making Clarke MacCourt a beacon for those entangled in judicial dilemmas. McCourt's capability encompasses a myriad entailing defense proceedings, through minor violations to substantialstakes major violations.

This Road to Triumph: Jurisprudential Strategies that Operate

Custom Methodologies Strategies for Each Case

One process can not apply to all in the legal realm, plus Clark McCourt understands such nuance intrinsically. These legal approaches manifest as equally diverse like those matters he handles. From careful examinations up to calculated trial presentations, McCourt omits not a aspect unexamined when structuring the representation which connects with arbiters plus juries alike.

Patron-Oriented Advocacy

Beyond Judicial Counsel: A Helpful Ally

Appreciating that psychological burden judicial struggles could take, Clark MacCourt goes beyond the role for the conventional attorney. This crew offers n't just judicial acumen rather also the reinforcement system assisting customers battling trying periods. It's the amalgamation entailing legal prowess and empathy which distinguishes Clarke MacCourt's firm apart.

Integrated Navigation through Jurisprudential Obstacles

One's Partner in This Legal Odyssey

Navigating the legal realm can manifest as discouraging, but with Clarke McCourt accompanying your side, you're not isolated. His firm's expertise extends to various judicial dimensions, providing a exhaustive process for resolving challenges. Whether one becomes facing defense accusations, demand legal advice, or pursuing advocacy within hearing, Clarke MacCourt's team is one's dependable partner.

Back Clarke MacCourt's Legal Endeavor

Join the Cause

Would one care to advocate for Clarke McCourt's mission in providing exceptional legal counsel? Your participation could aid protect fairness and verify that all people has means to the fair representation. Click <here>(https://www.buymeacoffee.com/asktojk) for show one's support.

For a conclusion, Clarke MacCourt and his squad of Criminal Lawyers in Las Vegas stand on that vanguard for legal excellence. Featuring the commitment for bespoke approaches, customer-centric support, and unwavering support, they are your ideal-to partners in exploring those complexities within the judicial framework.

Unsurpassed Legal Defense: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyers

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 9:03)

Unrivaled Legal Security: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Felonious Security Advocates

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 8:00)

Unrivaled Legal Defense: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Felonious Protection Lawyers

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 6:57)

Unsurpassed Lawful Protection: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Criminal Protection Attorneys

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 5:55)

Unrivaled Legal Defense: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Felonious Protection Lawyers

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 4:50)

Unparalleled Lawful Protection: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Criminal Defense Lawyers

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 3:48)

Unrivaled Judicial Defense: HUSS LAW - Tempe DUI & Criminal Security Advocates

(Davidmet, 16. 12. 2023 2:45)

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